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level: GHI's

Questions and Answers List

level questions: GHI's

[GEN] carcinogenic, congenital, degenerate, engender, eugenics, gender, gene, general, generation, generous, genesis, genetics, genial, genital, genius, gentility, gentle, ingenuity, progeny, regenerateBIRTH, CREATION, RACE, KIND
[GNI/GNO] agnostic, diagnose, ignoramus, ignore, prognosis, recognizeTO KNOW
[GRAM/GRAPH] anagram, diagram, epigram, epigraph, grammar, graph, graphic, graphite, photograph, program, telegramTO WRITE, TO DRAW
[GREG] aggregate, congregate, egregious, gregarious, segregateFLOCK
[HAP] haphazard, hapless, happen, happily, happy, mishap, perhapsBY CHANCE
[HEMI] hemicycle, hemisphere, hemistichHALF
[(H)ETERO] heterodox, heterodyne, heterogeneous, heterosexualDIFFERENT, OTHER
[HOL] catholic, holocaust, hologram, holograph, holisticWHOLE
[(H)OM] anomaly, homeostasis, homogeneous, homogenize, homogenous, homologue, homonym, homophone, homosexual, homotypeSAME
[HUM] exhume, humble, humilityEARTH
[ICON] icon, iconic, iconoclast, iconography, iconologyIMAGE, IDOL
[IN/IM] (often the 'n' is dropped and the first letter after the 'i' is doubled) illogical, immoral, impartial, inactive, indigent, indolence, innocuous, irrelevantNOT, WITHOUT
[IN/IM] (often the 'n' is dropped and the first letter after the 'i' is doubled) illuminate, implicit, incarnate, indigenous, influx, intrinsic, irrigateIN, INTO
[INTER] interim, interloper, intermittent, intersperse, interstate, intervalBETWEEN, AMONG
[INTRA] intramural, intrastate, intravenousINSIDE, WITHIN
[IT/ITER] ambition, circuit, itinerant, itinerary, reiterate, transitWAY, JOURNEY