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level: Male Reproductive System

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level questions: Male Reproductive System

surgical removal of one or both testiclesOrchidectomy
epididymitisIf you find a mass in the testes that are separate and hard, what is this suggestive of?
Epididymal cystIf you find a mass in the testes that are separate and soft, what is this suggestive of?
HydroceleIf mass is found in testical sac, and it transilluminates, what is this suggestive of?
A way to differentiate between epididymitis and torsion on physical examination. A positive Prehn's test indicates epididymitis. Prehn's test checks the cremaster reflex which is absent in the case of torsion.However, if it is positive pain is relieved with lifting the affected testicleprehn's test
Stroke (pinch) inner thigh This causes the cremaster muscle to to contract -> ipsilateral testicle goes up toward inguinal canalHow to assess the cremaster reflex?
an abnormal tightness of the foreskin preventing retraction over the glansPhimosis
only affects uncircumcised males. develops when the foreskin can no longer be pulled forward over the tip of the penis. This causes the foreskin to become swollen and stuck, which may slow or stop the flow of blood to the tip of the penis. (obstruction of venous return and painful swelling of glans)paraphimosis
Nitric oxide Cyclic guanosine monophosphateWhat chemicals causes local vasodilation resulting in an erection of the penis?
Penis: primarily to deep inguinal and external inguinal nodes Scrotum: into superficial inguinal lymph nodes Testes: paraaortic lymph nodesLymph drainage of the male reproductive system
Develop at the deep inguinal ring (where spermatic cord exits abdomen) May be due to failure of embryonic closure of the processus vaginalis Superior to inguinal ligament Most common hernia, all ages and both sexes (often in children) "Touches the finger tip" -p561Indirect inguinal hernias
Arise medially to indirect inguinal hernias, within Hesselbach's triangle. Due to weakness in the floor of the inguinal canal and are associated with straining and heavy lifting -p561Direct inguinal hernia
When loops of bowel force their way through the inguinal canal Above inguinal ligamentWhat is an inguinal hernia?
Herniating mass goes through the femoral canal (below inguinal ligament) More likely to present as emergencies with bowel incarceration (contents cannot be returned to abdominal cavity) or strangulation (blood supply is compromised) than inguinal hernias More common in women than in menfemoral hernia
They have higher rates of depression, suicide, anxiety, drug use, sexual victimization and risk of infection with HIV and other STIsWhy is it important to identify LGBT patients?
Psychogenic causes (especially if early morning erection is preserved and if there is a lack of orgasm with ejaculation) Decreased testosterone Decreased blood flow in hypogastric arterial system Impaired neural innervation Diabeteswhat can cause erectile dysfunction?
gonorrheaA man complains of yellow penile discharge, what is this indicative of?
Multiple sex partners Same sex partners Illicit drug use Prior history of STIWhat factors increases risk of an HIV infection in men?
inflammation of the rectum and anus can cause diarrhea, bleeding and discharge, as well as the continuous feeling that you need to have a bowel movement. May follow anal intercourseProctitis
failure of one or both testes to move into the scrotum as the male fetus develops Present in 7-10% of men with testicular cancerCryptorchidism
For the detection of chancres (painless genital ulcer commonly formed during the primary stage of syphilis) and carcinomasWhy, during inspection, is it neccessary to to retract the prepuce?
inflammation of glans (balanoposthitis - inflammation of glans and prepuce)Balanitits
an abnormal condition in males in which the urethra opens on the under surface of the penis Congenital ventral displacement of the meatus of the penisHypospadias