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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

be in a better position, especially in financial terms "the promotion would make her about $750 a year better off"be better off
hard to deal with; especially causing pain or embarrassmentsticky question
to bake something into something else means to make something an inherent and unremovable part of something else. If you bake eggs into a cake, you can't take them out afterwards. So "baking into" becomes a metaphor for analogous situations.bake into something
to agree. "you and I are on the same page about the report"to be on the same page
I don't see eye to eye with my boss; I don't always agree with my bossto see eye to eye
talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities. "she boasted about her many conquests"to boast
depressing or worrying to consider. "the grim news of the murder"grim
be noticedto catch someone's eye
centre of targetbull's eyes
keen observationeagle eye
beloved personapple for your eye
revengean eye for an eye
the center of somethingthe eye of something
beauty is subjectivebeauty is in the eye of the beholder
prominent in the mediain the public eye
angry or unpleasant gazethe evil eye
watch attentivelykeep an eye on
aim; intendhave one's eye on
continuing without pause or interruption. Ex: an around-the-clock guard on the prisoner.around the clock
Event permitting free entry to house
male college students residence (US)fraternity house
what is heard makes one happybe music to one's ears
imprisonment in one's househouse arrest
do houseworkkeep house
offered free of chargeon the house
be dressed in formal clothes for nice occasions. "she was decked out in a beautiful dress and everyone was surprised"be decked out
without planning or preparation. "I decided to go the party on the spur of the moment, so I threw some clothes and left."on the spur of the moment
a decision that is clear and easy, and requires very little mental effort to decide. "It's a no-brainer that we need to make it a law to buckle our seat belts in the car." "choosing a job that offers great benefits like 6 weeks of vacation is a no-brainer for me."a no-brainer
to prefer something, to choose something. "when it comes to choosing a restaurant, I usually go for Italian or French." "if so many kids go for junk food instead of vegetables, we have to find a way to make vegetables more interesting to them."to go for something
to stop trying, to surrender your efforts. "although many people think that you should never give up, maybe the key to success is knowing when it makes more sense to give up than to keep trying." "I found a gym that is mediocre but I won't give up looking for a better one."to give up
To procrastinate on something such as a project, to delay, to avoid working on something. "the key to increasing productivity in this day and age is to stop allowing people to check their emails while they put off their more important projects." "I tend to put things off when I am not sure what steps to take to get started."to put off
two people enjoy each other's company and don't have major conflicts. "I have always gotten along with my colleagues in most of the places where I have worked in the past." "the first step to building a great company is making sure that the team member get along"to get along
a dispiriting or depressing experience or factor. "You lost your job? That’s a real downer!" "Her dad has a downer on every guy she meets." "For some reason, Jackie has always had a downer on me."downer
without planning or preparation. "I decided to go the party on the spur of the moment, so I threw some clothes and left."on the spur of the moment
clear and easy and requires very little mental effort to decide. "It's a no-brainer that we need to make it a law to buckle our seat belts in the car."a no-brainer
to prefer something, to choose something. "When it comes to choosing a restaurant, I usually go for Italian or French."to go for something
to stop trying, to surrender your efforts. "I found a gym that is mediocre but I won't give up looking for a better one."o give up
to procrastinate. " I tend to put things off when I am not sure what steps to take to get started."to put off
people who don't have major conflicts. "I have always gotten along with my colleagues in most of the places where I have worked in the past."to get along
To really like or to be interested in something such as a hobby. "I'm really into kickboxing so I go to the class three times a week."to be into
when you cannot think of a word or idea. "The teacher asked me about the chapter we had read for homework, but I drew a blank."draw a blank
to go over a lot of material or information. "I'm amazed at how we cover so much ground in every class."cover a lot of ground