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level: Adjectives II

Questions and Answers List

Learn adjectives with the word 'it is'

level questions: Adjectives II

It is absurdes absurdo
It is advisableEs aconsejable
It is goodEs bueno
It is discouragingEs desalentador
It is difficultEs difícil
It is painfulEs doloroso
It is hurtfulEs hiriente
It is indispensableEs indispensable
It is a pityEs una lástima
It is badEs malo
It is betterEs mejor
It is necessaryEs necesario
It is doubtfulEs dudoso
It's funnyEs gracioso
It is weirdEs raro
It is fantasticEs fantástico
It is importantEs importante
It is impossibleEs imposible
It is improbableEs improbable
It is uncertainEs incierto
It is incredibleEs increíble
It is possibleEs posible
It is preciseEs preciso
It is preferableEs preferible
It is worryingEs preocupante
It is probableEs probable
It is ridiculousEs ridículo
It is a shameEs una vergüenza
It is terribleEs terrible
It is strangeEs extraño
It is untrueNo es verdad