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level: digestive

Questions and Answers List

level questions: digestive

what is Haematemesisvomiting up blood
The release of food from the stomach into the small intestine is regulated by the what?pyloric sphincter
The hormone responsible for causing the stomach to release pepsinogens which are protein digesting enzymes, mucus, and hydrochloric acid is what?gastrin
Food is moved through the gastrointestinal tract by a process called what?peristalsis
what is the most appropriate treatment for a gastric ulcer?antibiotics
What does G.O.R.D stand forGastro oesophageal reflux disease
where is bile produces and stored?Produced in the liver and store in the gall bladder
what is amylase?an enzyme that breaks down carbs
where does food pass through to enter the stomach?the lower oesophageal or cardiac sphincter
3 parts of the small intestineduodenum, jejumun, illeum
where does most of chemical digestion occur?duodenum
where does the most of absorption take place?in the jejunum
5 parts of the large intestine?caecum, ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid
what's the main function of the pancreasto produce digestive enzymes
what's the main function of the gallbladder?stores and concentrates bile
what is protease?an enzyme that breaks down protein
what breaks down fatslipase
what is metabolismchemical reactions necessary to human life
what is catabolismsubstances are broken down to smaller substances
what is anabolismsmaller substances are built up into larger molecules
main cause of a gastric/duodenal ulcerbacteria
what is gastroenteritisinflammation of both stomach and intestines
3 causes of constipationimmobility (sedentary life style), dehydration, lack of fibre and medications
what is ulcerative colitis?chronic inflammation of lining of colon
what is crohns diseasechronic inflammation through all layers of the intestinal wall
what is diverticulitisare small pouches that protrude through colon wall
what is cholecystitisinflammation of the gallbladder
what is hepatitis and how many types of hepatitis are thereinflammation of the liver and there are 5 a-e