cell | fundamental structural and functional unit of life |
Matthias schneiden | German Botanist |
Theodore Schwann | British Zoologist |
Matthias schneiden year | 1838 |
Theodore Schwann YEAR | 1839 |
Rudolf Virchow YEAR | 1855 |
pre existing cells | omnis cellula-e cellula |
one of Smallest cells | Mycoplasma |
Mycoplasma size | 0.3um |
Bacteria | 3-5um |
largest isolated single cell | ostrich |
red blood cells size | 7um |
longest cell | nerve cell |
shape of cell varies with | function |
RBC | round and biconcave |
WBC | amoeboid |
columnar epithelial cells | long and narrow |
tracheid | long and narrow |
mesophyll cells | round and oval |
nerve cell | branched and long |
typical eukaryotic cell size | 10-20um |
virus size | 0.02-0.2um |
smallest cell | pplo |
pplo size | 0.1um |
size of ribosome | 15nm to 20nm |
inclusion bodies eg | phosphate- granules, cyanophycean granules, glycogen granules |
where are gas vacuoles found | blue -green, purple, and green photosynthetic bacteria |
eukaryotes | protists, plants, animals, fungi |
compartmentalisation of cytoplasm | membrane system |
nucleus in eukaryotes | organised nucleus with nuclear envelope |
non living rigid structure in plants, fungi, prokaryotes | cell wall |
algae cell wall composition | cellulose, galactans, mannans, calcium carbonate |
other plants cell wall | cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins, proteins |
Who first observed Golgi | Camillo Golgi (1898) |
densely stained reticular structures, with flat disc -shaped stacks or cisternae placed parallel | Golgi |
cisternae diameter | 0.5 to 1um |
lysosome | membrane bound vesicular structures formed buy the packaging process in Golgi |
membrane bound sacs in cytoplasm | Vacuoles |
vacuoles have | sap, excretory product and useless products |
vacuole bound by single membrance | tonoplast |
vacuole volume in plant cell | 90% |
contractile vacuole in amoeba | osmoregulation and excretion |
food vacuoles | phagocytosis of food |
not easily visible under microscope | mitochondrion |
no of mitochondrion depends on | physiology of cell |
diameter of mito | 0.2-1.0um |
length of mito | 1-4.1um |
Site of formation of glycoproteins and glycolipds | Golgi |
amyloplasts | store carbohydrates(potato) |
elaioplasts | store oils and fats |
aleuroplasts | store proteins |
chloroplasts shape | lens-shaped |
length of chloroplasts | 5-10um |
width | 2-4um |
chlamydomonas has how many chloroplasts | 1/cell |
green alga has how many chloroplasts | 20-40 per cell |
ribosomes | granular structures |
ribosomes first observed by | George Palade(1953) |
Eukaryotic ribosomes | 60s+40s=80s |
prokaryotic ribosomes | 50s+30s=70s |
Nucleus first discovered | Robert Brown, 1831 |
What was material of nucleus stained by dye called | Chromatin (by Flemming) |
interphase NUCLEUS | nucleus of a cell when it isn't dividing |
metacentric chromosome | MIDDLE CENTROMERE from two equal arms of chromosome |
sub metacentric chromosome | centromere slightly away from the middle of chromosome, resulting in one slightly longer arm and one slightly shorter arm |
acrocentric chromosome | centromere situated very close to its end forming one extremely short and one extremely long arm |
telocentric chromosome | chromosome is present at the terminal end |
satellite | non staining secondary constrictions at constant location. |