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level: 2- Body // Clothes

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 2- Body // Clothes

facedas Gesicht
eyedas Auge
nosedie Nase
mouthder Mund
eardas Ohr
teethdie Zähne
stomach / bellyder Magen, der Bauch
lungsdie Lunge
tonguedie Zunge
throatdie Kehle
braindas Gehirn
chestdie Brust
kneedas Knie
shoulderdie Schulter
fingerder Finger
underweardie Unterwäsche
sandalsdie Sandalen
coatder Mantel
scarfder Schal
glovesdie Handschuh
bootder Stiefel
hatder Hut
dressdas Kleid
skirtder Rock