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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

name the parts of an atomprotons, neutrons and electrons
which part of the atom is the key to chemical bondingelectrons
describe the ionic bondwhen atoms give/take electrons
example of a compound that has an ionic bond and how it's formedsodium chloride (NaCl)// give or take electrons
what is oxidation and reductionleo says ger
covalent bond formationsharing a pair of electrons
polar covalent bonduneven sharing of electrons
hydrogen bond between polar moleculesattraction between weak molecules
pH scale0-7-14// 0-7 acidic//7 nuetral//7-14 basic
what are organic compoundscarbon and hydrogen
all organiccarbohydrates, lipids, NA,proteins
function of carbsenergy
function of lipidenergy// more than carbs
function of proteindigest food
parts of every proteinamino acids
2 types of information moleculesDNA, RNA
units of every nucleic acidNucleotides
4 different nucleotides that make up DNAA,T,C,G
importance of nucleotide ATPenergy currency
kind of molecule water is, why does sugar dissolve but not lipids like fatswater is polar, lipids are nonpolar
what is cell nucleuscontrol center
what is chromatingenetic material
function of nucleolusmakes ribosomes
what is made when a gene is expresseda protein in made
ribosomes form and importance?nucleolus//site of protein synthesis
tube-like structures found in cytoplasmER
Collects in the RERproteins
collects in the SERlipids
vesicles end up at what organelleGolgi
compare vesiclescome from golgi
plant cell walla protective envelope
chemical comp of a plant cell wallcellulose
chloroplastgreen organelle
function of chloroplastphotosynthesis
comp of cell membranephospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins
3 major functions of cell membrane proteins-transporters//-receptors//-markers
moving material from a high to low concentrationdiffusion
what is osmosisdiffusion of water
moving material from low to high concentrationactive transport- requires ATP
compare facilitated diffusion and simple diffusionfacilitated needs transporter//simple does'nt
ex. of active transport in human cellsh+ pumps
function of mitochondriacreates ATP
cell use as a energy source to actively transport moleculesuses ATP
microtubules//microfilamentsmicrotubules- large fibers//microfilaments-small fibers
what happens to a cell in a hypotonic solution?swells up
what happens to a cell in a hypertonic solutionthe cell shrinks