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Talk about erythropoiesis.

Author: H K

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Process of differentiation, proliferation and maturation that lead a stem cell to become red blood cells, done by the action of a growth factor called eryhtorpoietin. Lasts 5-7 days during this process the cell size decreases. Myeloid stem cells-->proerythroblast--->Basophilic eruthroblast, polychromatophilic eryhtroblast (Hb synthesis color change, nucleus is denser) --->acidophilic or orthochromatophilic eruthroblast (Hb synthesis is at its peak, nucleus is highly condensed, expelled with the organelles outside the cell) --> Reticulocyte leaves the red bone marrow by ameboid movement contain ribosomes and mitochondria and pass to blood capillary-->in 48 Hours it becomes red blood cells or erythrocytes.

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