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Any of the four collections forming the earliest body of Indian scripture, consisting of the Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, and Atharva Veda, which codified the ideas and practices of Vedic religion and laid down the basis of classical Hinduism. They were probably composed between 1500 and 700 BC, and contain hymns, philosophy, and guidance on ritual.Veda means knowledge or wisdom• earliest known writings on yoga• word yuj or yoke from which the word yoga is derived is used to join the mind to the Divine • dates from about 1500-1100 BCE • In Sanskrit, handed down to seers, known as “rishsis” • The Rig Veda the oldest) of the 4 Vedas • Focus is on rituals

Author: Kenosi Cloete-Jones


What the Vedas?

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