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Maternal and Child Care

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Types of Artificial Family Planning: 3: Is a small plastic device that is inserted into the uterus through the vagina. IUDs can be either hormonal or nonhormonal. -almost 100% effective and _____ -prevent fertilization as well as to create a local sterile inflammatory reaction that prevents implantation. -device must be fitted by a healthcare provider -inserted before a woman has had coitus after a menstrual side effects: spotting or uterine cramping the first 2 or 3 weeks after IUD insertion - intervention: ibuprofen -Nulliparous women may have a higher percentage of spontaneous expulsion than others. -Contraindicated: distorted uterus, sever dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, anemia -Common problem:

Author: James Marion Endrina Entice


Intrauterine Devices

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