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PHAM01 Commonly Rx Drugs

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Amlodipine: -Class -indication -Pathopsiology -CCB -Interactions -rate limiting CCB

Author: Rajinder Kaur


-Dihydropyrimidine CCB -hypertension & propjhylaxis of angina -it relaxes smooth muscle & dilates coronary and peripheral artieries which reduces blood pressure -main difference: dihydro has more influence on the vessles and less on the myocardium -Grapefruit juice; PLASMA CONC: felodipine, nifedipine and verapamil -Ankle swelling in higher amlodipine doses (dont go over 4mg) -amlodipine- increase expo to statins- adjust dose -verapamil & diltiazem (negative inotopic effect- supresses heart function) avoided in heart failure -interactions with B-BLOCKER (verapimil)

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