How is iron physiology?
Author: H KAnswer:
Metabolism (absorption regulated highly preventing toxicity, no pathway of excretion of excess iron, can be toxic in excess damage DNA) Body iron compartments (Hb (Males 2.5g, females 1.9g), myoglobin less (300mg), enzymes less (180mg), transferring much less (2.7mg), ferritin and hemosiderin (800 mg male 300 mg female), total in female 2.7g in male 3.8g) 70% stored in Hb, 25% in reticuloendothelial system (ferritin, hemosiderin), 5% myoglobin, cytochromes, enzymes and <1% transferrin in plasma Absorption is in upper small intestine (after gastric secretion convert them into Fe2+), most are not absorbed, some go in intestinal mucosa make ferritin and are excreted after shedding 1mg iron, only iron needed for erythropoiesis is absorbed into blood by hepatocyte 1mg/day bound to transferrin.
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