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711 questions
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First-class cabin on airplane or ship | 头等舱 (to2u de3ng ca1ng) |
发 (fǎ, fā) | Hair, to send |
Tourist | 游客 |
I need a ticket to beijing | 我要一张到北京的票。 |
Center | 中心 |
I will leave in two hours | 我两小时之后离开 |
Sunset | 日落 |
打 车 (Dǎchē) | Get a cab |
Speed limit | 速度限制 (su4du4 xia4nzhi4) |
Currency | 货币 |
接 (Jiē) | To pick up |
I want to convert rmb into us dollars | 我想把人民币兑换成美元 |
时差 (Shíchā) | Jet lag |
Important sites | 重要景点 |
表演 (Biǎoyǎn) | Performance |
City tour | 城市旅游 |
Invoice | 发票 |
观光 (Guān guāng) | Sightseeing |
Flight attendant | 空中服务人员 |
Reservation number | 确认号码 (Quèrèn) |
风景( Fēngjǐng) | Landscape scenery |
Convert | 兑换 |
Do you deal in foreign exchange here? | 这里 办理 外汇 业务吗? |
开始 (Kāishǐ) | To start |
Aircraft emergency exits | 飞机紧急出口 |
Californian | 加州人。 |
成绩 (Chéngjī) | Achievement, grades |
Vancouver | 温哥华 |
Speed limit 55 | 限速55 (xia4n su4 wu3 shi2 wu3) |
野心 (Yěxīn) | Ambition |
Seat number | 座位号 |
Ticket gate | 检票口 |
密 码 (Mìmǎ) | Password |
Euro | 欧元 |
登录 (Dēnglù) | Log in |
Public transportation | 公共交通工具 |
谈 (Tán) | (to discuss) |
关于 (Guānyú) | On, about |
I want a ticket to beijing | 我要一张到北京的票。 |
Jet lag | 时差 (Shíchā) |
Visa | 签证 |
Landscape scenery | 风景( Fēngjǐng) |
Overpass | 天桥 |
To start | 开始 (Kāishǐ) |
Tourist visa | 旅游签证 |
I missed the train | 我没赶上火车 |
Get a cab | 打 车 (Dǎchē) |
To pick up | 接 (Jiē) |
Ship | 船 |
Train ticket | 火车票 |
Turn | 转 |
Budget | 预 算 ( Yùsuàn ) |
Henceforth | 今后 (jīnhòu) |
Center | 中心 (zhōngxīn) |
Advertisement | 广 告 (Guǎnggào) |
Reporting, to report | 汇 报 (Huìbào) |
Report | 报告 (bàogào) |
I want to prepare for this interview | 我 要 为 这 个 面 试 准 备 |
The manager is happy with your work | 经 理 很 满 意 你 的 工 作 |
The company is satisfied with his performance | 公 司 很 满 意 他 的 表 现 |
The company is not happy with my decision | 公 司 不 满 意 我 的 决 定 |
This job is a lot of trouble | 这个工作很麻烦 |
Our boss is very annoying | 我们的老板很麻烦 |
Bothersome | 麻烦 (máfan) |
Satisfaction | 满意 (Mǎnyì) |
Performance | 表 现 (Biǎoxiàn) |
Prepare | 准 备 (Zhǔnbèi) |
Interview | 面试 (Miànshì) |
According to | 根据 (Gēnjù) |
Boss | 老板 (Lǎobǎn) |
Promotion | 升职 (Shēng zhí) |
Business trip | 出差 (Chūchāi) |
Alarm clock | 闹钟 (nàozhōng) |
Online | 在线 (zàixiàn) |
Reimbursement | 报 销 (Bàoxiāo) |
Contract | 合同 (Hétóng) |
Project | 项目 (Xiàngmù) |
Agreement | 协议 (Xiéyì) |
Set an alarm clock | 定个闹钟 (dìng ge nàozhōng) |
Capital | 资本 (Zīběn) |
Investment | 投资 (Tóuzī) |