Comparative Anatomy Lab Practical 3
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83 questions
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Identify the yellow vessel (cat) indicated by the letter A | Anterior mesenteric vein |
Identify the red vessel (cat) indicated by the letter B | Splenic artery |
Identify the blue vessel (cat) indicated by the letter A | Adrenolumbar vein |
Identify the red vessel indicated by the letter A. This photo is a cross-section of the tail of the shark. | Caudal Artery |
Identify the blue vessel indicated by the letter A | Lateral Abdominal Vein |
Identify the yellow vessel (shark) indicated by the letter B. | Lienomesenteric Vein |
Identify the red vessel (shark) indicated by the letter C. | Posterior Mesenteric Artery |
Identify the red vessel (cat) indicated by the letter E. | Internal Iliac Artery |
Identify the red vessel (shark) indicated by the letter D. | Anterior Mesenteric Artery |
Green region of Mammal brain | Olfactory Bulb |
Purple region of mammal brain | Optic Nerve |
Yellow Region of mammal brain | Optic Chiasma |
Pink region of Mammal Brain | Optic tract |
Red region of mammal brain | Medulla Oblongata |
LOWER purple region of mammal brain | Spinal Cord |
Purple region of mammal brain (dorsal view) | Spinal cord |
Yellow region of mammal brain (Midsagittal section) | Corpus Callosum |
Yellow region of mammal brain (Midsagittal section) | Septum pellucidum |
Yellow region of mammal brain (Midsagittal section) | Optic Chiasma |
Yellow region of mammal brain (Midsagittal section) | Superior Colliculi |
Yellow region of mammal brain (Midsagittal section) | Inferior Colliculi |
Yellow regions of mammal brain (Midsagittal section) | Corpora quadrigemina |
Yellow region of mammal brain (Midsagittal section) | Medulla Oblongota |
Blue Vessel labeled 4 | Superior Vena Cava |
Blue vessel labeled 3 | Brachiocephalic vein |
Blue vessel labeled 2 | External Jugular Vein |
Blue vessel in between 2 and 3 | Subclavian vein |
Blue vessel indicated by white star | Axillary Vein |
Blue vessel indicated by white x | Brachial Vein |
Blue vessel indicated by red x | Subscapular vein |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Left Subclavian Artery |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Left subscapular artery |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Left Internal mammary artery |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Left vertebral artery |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Left axillary artery |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Left brachial artery |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Brachiocephalic artery |
Red vessel indicated by orange x | Left Common Carotid artery |
Red vessel indicated by green x | Right Common Carotid Artery |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Right subclavian artery |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Right internal mammary artery |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Right vertebral artery |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Right subscapular artery |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Right axillary artery |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Right Brachial artery |
Blue vessel indicated by probe | Inferior vena cava |
Blue vessels indicated by probe and arrows | Genital veins (spermatic = male, ovarian = female) |
Blue vessels indicated by probe and arrows | Iliolumbar veins |
Blue vessels indicated by probe (one on either side) | Common iliac veins |
Blue vessel indicated by probe | Femoral vein |
Red vessel indicated by probe (runs all the way down) | Descending aorta |
Red vessel indicated by probe (first branch) | Celiac trunk |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Hepatic artery |
Red vessel indicated by probe and arrow | Gastric Artery |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Splenic Artery |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Superior Mesenteric artery |
Red vessels indicated by probe | Renal Arteries |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Inferior mesenteric artery |
Red vessels indicated by probe (one on each side) | Iliolumbar Arteries |
Red vessels indicated by probe (one on each side) | Externa Iliac Arteries |
Red vessels indicated by probe (one on each side) | Internal Iliac Arteries |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Caudal Artery |
Red vessel indicated by probe | Femoral artery |
Yellow vessel indicated by probe | Hepatic portal vein |
Yellow vessel indicated by probe | Coronary Vein |
Yellow vessel indicated by arrow (bottom) | Superior Pancreaticoduodenal Vein |
Yellow vessel indicated by probe | Gastrosplenic vein |
Yellow vessel indicated by probe | Superior mesenteric vein |
Yellow vessel indicated by arrow (left) | Inferior pancreaticoduodenal vein |
Yellow vessel indicated by probe and arrow (right) | Inferior mesenteric vein |
Yellow vessels indicated by probe | Intestinal Veins |