Intermediate level Outcomes & BEC
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265 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
To be in a hurry | To be in a rush |
To be in a hurry | To be in a rush |
To be attached to something/someone | To work with someone/some organisation |
To be in a hurry | To be in a rush |
To attend | To go to an event |
To be in a hurry | To be in a rush |
To be in a hurry | To be in a rush |
To be based in/at | To work or live in a particular place (at a particular organisation) |
To be in a hurry | To be in a rush |
To be into | To be interested in something/enjoy something a lot |
A civil servant | Someone who works for a government department |
To be in a hurry | To be in a rush |
Civil service | People and departments working for a government |
To be in a hurry | To be in a rush |
Current | Happening now, at present |
NA | NA |
To involve | To include |
To be in a hurry | To be in a rush |
Official | Approved by someone in authority |
To be in a hurry | To be in a rush |
An only child | Someone who doesn't have siblings |
To be in a hurry | To be in a rush |
Patient | Able to wait for a long time without getting angry |
To be in a hurry | To be in a rush |
To present information | To describe or show information to other people |
To be in a hurry | To be in a rush |
To be separated | Not to be not living together |
Session | A period of time during which a class or meeting takes place |
Someone's strength | Someone's quality or ability that makes him or her successful |
To be strong at something | To be very good at something |
A warehouse | A large building where goods are stored |
Someone's weakness | Things in which someone is not very good at |
A slight accent | Not strong accent |
Accurate | Correct or true |
Inaccurate | Incorrect or wrong |
An achievement | Something good that you have done usually after a lot of time and effort |
Accuracy | The quality of doing something without making mistakes |
An impressive achievement | Something really good that you have done after a lot of time and effort |
To fulfil ambition | To make your strong wish come true |
Appreciate | Understand why something or someone is important |
To have a deep appreciation for something or someone | To realize that someone or something is highly important |
The basics | Important parts |
Efficient | Producing good results |
To be embarrassed by something | To be ashamed or shy by something |
Evidence | Facts that show if something is true |
To exaggerate | To say something that is bigger, better or more extreme than it really is |
To speak fluently | To speak very well |
To be fluent in something | To be good at something |
Frustrated about something | Upset or angry because you're being prevented from achieving something |
In the genes | Deep in your character |
To get by | To have just enough of something to do what you need to do |
To give up | Stop trying |
Globalisation | The idea that improved technology and communications are causing the world to develop a single culture and economy |
Global | Including or affecting the whole world |
A growing concern | Increasing worries about something |
To lack something | Not to have something |
A lack of something | A shortage of something |
A legend | A famous person who many people admire |
A limited number | Small in amount |
To limit the amount of something | To control the amount of something |
To master skills | To learn skills thoroughly |
A good performer | Someone who does their job well |
To pick up a new skill | To learn a new skill |
To possess | To have |
To process information | To use information to perform a task |
To struggle with something | To find something difficult to do |
Sufficient | Enough for a particular task |
To act as something or someone | To do a particular job, especially one that you do not normally do |
Behaviour | The way someone normally does and says things |
A cabin | A room where passengers and members of the crew live |
To catch information | To hear and understand information |
To come up to someone | To come towards someone |
A crew | A group of people |
An engine | The part of a vehicle that produces the power and makes the vehicle move |
A gesture | A movement of your hand or arm |
Misunderstanding | An occasion when someone does not understand something correctly |
A mixture | A number of different things all together in the same place |
To motivate someone to do something | To provide the enthusiasm and determination to do domething |
A lack of motivation | Not enough motivation |
Overnight | Continuing the whole night |
Papers | Documents |
To rush | To do or to go somewhere quickly |
Conduct a search | To do an attempt tp find something |
To settle somwhere | To start living somewhere permanently |
To be in a hurry | To be in a rush |
Be too late and too slow | Be behind |
To start to feel happier | To cheer up |
Very tired | Exhausted |
To dislike something because it is boring or annoying | To be fed up with something |
Very angry | Furious |
A spirit of a dead person | A ghost |
To take part in an activity with someone | To join someone |
To grade something | To mark |