Spanish A-Level
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1026 questions
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To take in | Acoger |
To contribute | Aportar |
To support | Apoyar |
To risk (oneself) | Arriesgarse |
Political asylum | El asilo político |
Boom | El auge |
To look for | Buscar |
To report | Denunciar |
Human rights | Los derechos humanos |
Adrift | A la deriva |
Collapse | El derrumbe |
To waste | Despilfarrar |
Boat | La embarcación |
To push | Empujar |
To enrich | Enriquecer |
Lack | La escazez |
To choose | Escoger |
Hope | La esperanza |
Foreigner | El extranjero |
Brain drain | La fuga de cerebros |
To earn a living | Ganarse la vida |
To need | Hacer falta |
To find | Hallar |
Hospitality sector | La hostelería |
Equality | La igualdad |
Illegal immigrant | El inmigrante irregular |
To retire | Jubilarse |
Workforce | La mano de obra |
To provide for | Mantener a |
To leave | Marcharse |
Black market | El mercado sumergido |
To suffer | Padecer |
To pay taxes | Pagar impuestos |
A host country | El país receptor |
Boat used by immigrants | La patera |
Work permit/residency permit | El permiso de trabajo/de residencia |
To head to | Poner rumbo a |
Spokesperson | El/la portavoz |
Coming from | Procedente de |
To take away | Quitar |
To carry out | Realizar |
To take refuge | Refugiarse |
Refugee | Refugiado/a |
To return | Regresar |
To rescue | Rescatar |
Social security | La seguridad social |
To survive | Sobrevivir |
Birth rate | La tasa de natalidad |
To relocate/to move | Trasladarse |
Wall/border | La valla |
Despite | A pesar de |
To have just | Acabar de |
To show gratitude for | Agradecer |
To feed | Alimentar |
To yearn | Anhelar |
Ancestry | La ascendencia |
Quality of life | La calidad de vida |
To change | Cambiar |
Census | El censo |
Citizenship | La ciudadanía |
Colonies | Las colonias |
To share | Compartir |
To live with | Convivir |
To grow up | Crecer |
To leave | Dejar |
Destination | El destino |
To spread | Difundir |
To head | Dirigir |
Stability | La estabilidad |
To break out | Estallar |
Lack of | La falta de |
Training | La formación |
To earn | Ganar |
War | La guerrilla |
Hunger | El hambre |
To flee | Huir |
To increase | Incrementar |
Links with | Los lazos con |
Freedom | La libertad |
To make ends meet | Llegar a fin de mes |
To fight | Luchar |
To improve | Mejorar |
Spanish-speaking world | El mundo hispánico |
To be born | Nacer |
Wave/surge/flood of | La oleada de |
To stay | Permanecer |
To try your luck | Probar suerte |
Post/position | El puesto |
To strengthen/to reinforce | Reforzar |
To live | Residir |
To return | Retornar |
The Castro revolution | La revolución castrista |
Wealth | La riqueza |
To save | Salvar |
To carry on/to follow | Seguir |
To highlight | Señalar |
European Union | La Unión Europea |
To travel | Viajar |
To camp out | Acampar |
To accept/to embrace | Acoger |