Spanish II exam
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52 questions
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Personal trainer | El entrenador personal |
To train | Entrenar |
To warm up | Precalentar |
Muscles | Los músculos |
To stretch | Estirarse |
To be in good/bad shape | Estar en buena/mala forma |
To exercise | Hacer ejercicios |
To lift weights | Levantar pesas |
To work out | Hacer gimnasia |
To stay in shape | Mantenerse en forma |
To go to the gym | Ir al gimnasio |
To sweat | Sudar |
Alcoholic beverage | La bebida alcohólica |
Caffeine | La cafeína |
Calorie | La caloría |
Cholesterol | El colesterol |
Fat | La grasa |
Mineral | El mineral |
Nutrition | La nutrición |
Protein | La proteína |
Vitamin | La vitamina |
To be beneficial | Ser beneficioso/a |
To have a balanced diet | Tener una dieta equilibrada |
To stay hydrated | Hidratarse |
Fast food | Comida rápida |
To consume | Consumir |
To low/high in | Tener bajo/alto contenido de |
Healthy foods | Alimentos saludables |
To contain | Contener |
To have nutritional value | Tener valor nutricional |
To be rich in | Ser rico/a en |
To change eating habits | Cambiar hábitos alimentarios |
Well-being | El bienestar |
Massage | El masaje |
Coach potato | El teleadicto/a |
To lose weight | Adelgazar |
To gain weight | Engordar |
To reduce stress | Aliviar el estrés |
To relax | Relajarse |
Something is relaxing | Ser relajante |
To cause stress | Dar estrés |
Something is stressful | Ser estresante |
To smoke | Fumar |
To lead a healthy lifestyle | Llevar una vida sana |
To try (to do something) | Tratar de |
In excess | En exceso |
To be under a lot of pressure | Estar bajo mucha presión |
Sedentary (not active) | Sedentario/a |
Calm | Tranquillo/a |
To enjoy | Disfrutar de |
To be active | Ser activo/a |
To eat poorly/well | Alimentarse mal/bien |