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Chapter 24 Lifespan Development
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Development Patterns in Preschool Age
Author: Alex MeekAnswer:
1)Maturation of nervous system and mastery of motor skills noted 2)Average weight gain of 5lbs per year 3)Height increase at 4 years old double birth length 4)Gait becomes steadier 5)More capable of focusing and refining activities 6)Vision is farsighted(amblyopia may be noted) 7)Initiative vs. Guilt(test initiative without creating overrwhelming sense of guilt, gender identification and stereotyping of roles noted) 8)Preoperation stage of cognitive development(begins to think logically and intuitively 9)Able to carry conversations but pronunciation problems may be present until school age 10)Time is associated with weekly and seasonal events 11) Vital Signs: P 70-110 bpm, R 23, B/P 110/60, T 97*-99* 12) Interactive play noted(Stereotyping of roles in play cooking driving and shopping common)
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Alex Meek