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Describe the ways in which Parliament can Control the Executive. (LONG ANSWERS)

Author: eric_galvao


-Parliament can Dismiss the Government in a Vote of No Confidence. Callaghan's Labour Government in 1979; May almost in 2019 (325-306) -Parliament can Reserve Power to Veto Government Legislation: Sunak had his first defeat in the Commons when Tory MPs rebelled to allow Infected blood victims to get Compensation -House of Lords can delay Legislation for a Year: Plans to reduce Tax Credits were Blocked by the Lords. Legislation was soon overall Abandoned -Commons amending Legislation: Backbench Pressure forced the Government to Amend the Internal Market Bill in 2020 forcing Government to accept an Amendment. This removed the Governments Ability to override Parts of the EU Withdrawal Agreement -Lords can also Amend, but it can be reversed by the Commons: The Dubs Agreement to the EU Withdrawal Agreement Bill aimed to protect Child Refugees, though, the Commons rejected it because the Government had a Majority -Government facing a Backbench Rebellion: Sunak with his blood transfuse, May with her Brexit Deal -Departmental Select Committees more Effective in Government to Account: The Privileges Committee vs Johnson, Commons Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee vs Johnson 2020 on 'Lack of effective planning' in the role out of gigabit-capable broadband -Governing having a Free Vote, MPs may vote Against the Party lines: Cameron allowed Conservative MPs a free Vote on Legalising Gay Marriage -Ministers must present themselves to Parliament to account for Decisions and their Policies: Urgent Questions forces Ministers to answer in a Pressurised Manner

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