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Politics A-Level United States (DONE)

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How can Congress check on other Branches of Government?

Author: eric_galvao


-Congressional Committees: Committees can investigate Executive Action or see Legislative Proposals which usually amend or block Presidential law. The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability is looking into Biden's family's Domestic and international business dealings. -Vote on Presidential Proposals: Congress can block Presidential Proposals like Funding for Trump's Wall or Funding for Ukraine -Ratification of Appointments and Treaties: The Senate can Hugely Impact the President's power to carry out Foreign Policy. Merrick Garland never got to be Appointed because the Senate never Voted! -Impeachment and Removal: This is the Nuclear Power that Congress has, but only used when the President has messed up. Nixon and Trump both have had Impeached cases but has never been sucessful, ish

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