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What is Customer Profile Map- Gain?

Author: Danny Terro 3902


• What would make your customer’s job or life easier? (e.g. smaller learning curve, more services, lower cost of ownership, ...) • What positive social consequences does your customer desire? (e.g. makes them look good, increase in power, status, ...) • What are customers looking for? (e.g. good design, guarantees, specific or more features, ...) • What do customers dream about? (e.g. big achievements, big reliefs ) • How does your customer measure success and failure? (performance, cost, ...) • What would increase the likelihood of adopting a solution? (e.g. lower cost, less investments, lower risk, better quality, performance, design, ...) Rank each gain according to its relevance to your customer. Is it substantial or is it insignificant? For each gain indicate how often it occurs.

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