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Cells (LO1)

In English
Cells (LO1)

Created by:
Tracy Hunter

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What is the function of a Ribosome

Sites where protein molecules are synthesized from amino acids

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27 questions
What is the function of a Ribosome
Sites where protein molecules are synthesized from amino acids
What is the function of Mitochondria
Mitochondria are tiny organelles found in cells that act as the cell's powerhouses. Break down nutrients to yield energy. Apart from producing its own energy, it also produces a high-energy compound called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is used as an energy source.
What is the function of Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Does not have any attached ribosomes. Synthesises different types of lipids (fats). Aids carbohydrate and drug metabolism.
What is the function of Cytoplasm
Region outside the nucleus Contains cell organelles and cytosol, or cytoplasmic solution.
What is the function of Lysosomes
Lysosomes contain enzymes that help with the digestion of nutrients in the cell Breaks down cellular debris or invading microorganisms (bacteria).
What is the function of the Nucleus
Control cellular activity. Contains genes and collections of DNA which determine all aspects of anatomy and physiology. The DNA is arranged into chromosomes which contain the blueprint for each type of cell (allows for replication of the cell).
What is the function of the Cell Membrane
Outer coating of the cell Contains the cytoplasm, substances within it and the organelle
What is the function of Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Contains ribosomes, proteins and enzymes. Function is to synthesize new proteins.
What is the function of the Golgi Apparatus
Products from the Endoplasmic reticulum are stored in the Golgi apparatus, converted into substances that are necessary for the cell’s functions, and distributed as required.
Name the 4 main tissue types within the body
Epithelial, Muscular, Nervous and Connective
What is the function of Epithelial Tissue
• Covers body surfaces and lines most internal cavities • Functions include protection, secretion, absorption & filtration
What is the function of Nervous Tissue
• Neurons and associated cells which receive stimuli • transmit information to, from and within the body
What is the function of Muscular Tissue
• Skeletal (voluntary) – attached to and involved in the movement of bones • Cardiac (involuntary) – found in the heart, pumps blood around the body • Smooth (involuntary) – movement/regulation of internal organs or fluids
What is the function of Connective Tissue
• Functions include support, binding and protection from cartilage and bone • Tendons and ligament provide connection • Adipose tissue stores energy and helps insulate the body
Name the different types of Connective Tissue found in the body
Types include – loose connective tissue, adipose tissue (fat), dense fibrous tissue (tendons & ligaments), specialised connective tissue (cartilage, bone, blood & lymph)
What is the function of the Skeletal System
• Support and protection of internal organs • Production of red blood cells • Movement • Storage of minerals
What is the function of the Muscular System
• Movement within the body – controls entrance and exits of the body • Generation of heat • Support for skeletal tissue • Maintenance of posture • Regulation and movement of minerals within the body
What is the function of the Cardiovascular System
• Transport of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and hormones to and from the cells • Transport blood around the body • Regulates and controls body temperature
What is the function of the Digestive System
• Move food and liquid through the gastrointestinal tract • Breakdown and delivery of nutrients to the cells
What is the function of the Respiratory System
• Inspiration of oxygen and expiration of carbon dioxide • Protection from bacteria
Describe Osmosis
• The movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration through a selectively permeable membrane
Describe Diffusion and why its important to cellular function
• The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration until they are evenly spread • This allows substances such as oxygen to enter a cell and waste products such as carbon dioxide to be removed. • Diffusion happens when the particles are free to move
Describe Active transport
• Dissolved molecules moving across a cell membrane from a lower to a higher concentration. • Particles move against the concentration gradient and require an input of energy from the cell
Explain how the Muscular System works with other systems to maintain homeostasis
Works with the the cardiovascular system to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the muscles so that they can produce the energy required to effect movement. The cardiovascular system also removes carbon dioxide and other metabolic waste products away from the tissues.
Explain how the Respiratory System works with other systems to maintain homeostasis
This system is responsible for inspiration of oxygen. The cardiovascular system delivers the oxygen to the muscles and other organs, and removes carbon dioxide through expiration.
Explain how the Digestive System works with other systems to maintain homeostasis
This system digests and absorbs nutrients — cardiovascular system distributes nutrients digested by the body to give the muscles energy to cause movement, or organs vitamins/minerals needed for correct function.
Explain how the Skeletal System works with other systems to maintain homeostasis
This system requires nutrients to maintain effective function and carry out key roles of supporting and protecting the organs, enabling movement, production of blood cells, and the storage of minerals and energy.