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level: Nutrition

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level questions: Nutrition

Which are the main factors that influence the content of the animal body in water?age and stage of fattening
The content of water in the feeds is very variable. Which of the following have the lowest level?cereal’s grains and leguminous seeds
The protein content of the vegetable feeds is very different. Which of these has the highest level?meals - by-products of oilseeds
From the essential amino acids it was split a sub-group, called limiting amino acids. Who are these?lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan
Fibrous proteins have structural roles in animal cells and tissues. Which are these?collagens, elastin and keratins
. A considerable variety of nitrogenous compounds, other than amino acids, peptides and complexes proteins occur in plants and animals. Which of the following are from this group?amines, amides, nitrates
The lipids in the body perform, mainly, energetic role due to the high energy value. What is this?9.5 kcal/g
. From the fatty acids was separated a group, the essential fatty acids. Which of the following is part of this group?linoleic acid, linolenic acid and arachidonic acid
In the animals body, the proportion of lipids depending on the species, age and body status (the degree of fattening). What is their maximum percentage which can be reached?40-45%
In the animal body carbohydrates are in very small quantities. What is their share?less than 1% of the body weight
What are the main forms under which hexoses (simple carbohydrates) are found in feeds?glucose and fructose
Which of the following feeds and foods are characterized by a high content of sucrose (a disaccharide composed of one glucose molecule and one of fructose molecule)?sugar beet and honey
. Which of the following complex carbohydrates is found in the form of granules in feeds, with different size and shape?starch
Which of the following complex carbohydrates is found only in the animal body?glycogen
What are the practical consequences of using in animals diets, especially monogastric animals, feeds containing protease inhibitors?reduction growth rate
What is the mineral element on which oxalic acid, an anti-nutritional factor, found in some feeds, has a negative effect in the animal body?calcium
. What is the mineral element with the highest share in the animal body?calcium
What are the most suitable ratios between calcium and phosphorus that diets must provide to farm animals, other than laying birds?1.5-2 parts of calcium to one part of phosphorus
Fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the animal body, which is an advantage. But, after administration high doses, there may also be a disadvantage. What is this?potential toxicity, which can affect the health and performances of animals
How it is expressed the content of feeds in vitamins A, D and E?international units (IU) per kg
Water-soluble vitamins can’t be stored in the body. This fact also has one advantage. What is this?does not produce toxic effects on the animals, because in case of excess they are eliminated through the urine
Horses, compared with ruminants, digest more ineffective cellulosic feeds (high level of crude fiber). Why?reduced efficacy of mastication and a faster transit in digestive tract
What is the percentage of energy loss through faeces (from gross energy) when using normal rations, with classical structures?about 30% for ruminants animals and 20% for monogastric animals
Comparative slaughter method, used for determining the efficiency of energy utilisation in the body, is applicable for:determining the retained energy, the energy fixed in the tissues
French feed units (LFU, MFU), a system for expressing the energy value of feeds, used for ruminants, imply to determine their content in:net energy (NE)
Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) is a method used for:appreciation the quality of protein from the feeds
. Intestinally Digestible Protein (IDP) system is one of the most popular for assessing the protein values of feeds used in ruminants. Each feed has, under this system, two potential protein values. Which are these?IDPN and IDPE
Metabolisable Protein (MP) system show the protein values for the same feed in:RDP (rumen degradable protein) and RUP (rumen un-degradable protein)
Maintenance energy requirement represent a sum of components. Which of the following holds the largest share in the total energy requirement for maintenance?maintaining cellular and tissues integrity and functioning of internal organs
What is metabolic weight?an exponential function between body weight and body surface
Species influence the energy requirement for maintenance.. Which species have a higher energy requirement for maintenance, by comparison to the same body weight (100 kg for example)?sheep more than cattle
The amount of metabolic nitrogen excreted (urine and faeces) can be determined by:administering to animals rations free of protein, but balanced in other nutrients
Advancing of the animals in age and in weight leads to changing the chemical composition of the body. What are the main changes?decrease water content and increase fat content
What is the caloricity (energy value) of the raw wool?4100-4200 kcal/kg
Protein fixed in the mother's body, in particular in the last third of pregnancy, is important, exceeding that fixed in foetuses. At sows, in this last part of the pregnancy, how many times is stored protein in the mother's body then in foetuses?3-4 times
Which is requirement of calcium for maximum egg production and eggshell thickness?4 g/day
Throughout the entire productive life of cows, in which lactations the maximum milk production is reached?lactation 3 and 4
Rations containing more protein induce an increase of the milk cow protein level. Why?a greater part escapes to ruminal degradation and is absorbed in small intestine
Introduction large quantities of fats in the rations almost always determine a decrease of milk cow fat content. Why?ruminal fermentations changes
Stage of vegetation is an important factor influencing the composition and nutritional value of pastures. How does the composition of plants evolve as their growth progresses?increases content in crude fiber and decreases protein content
What is the reason why green perennial leguminous are not recommended to be given to animals alone?low protein content and high energy content
What is the optimal harvest time for alfalfa (Medicago sativa), considering that maximum yield per hectare is not achieved in the same time with maximum nutritional value?between late bud stage and beginning of flowering stage
Green alfalfa (Medicago sativa) can cause the appearance of tympanism (frothy bloat) in ruminants. What is the main reason?rapid consumption of immature plants
White clover (Trifolium repens) has some particularities to the red clover (Trifolium pratense). Which are these?better resistance to cold and records higher productions
Among the green perennial leguminous, which has higher tolerance to drought and frost and adapts to a wide range of soils?alfalfa (Medicago sativa)
Peas (Pisum sativum, Pisum arvense) are the most popular annual leguminous plant. What is the benefit of cultivating it in pure culture (alone)?leaving the field early, allowing seeding in the same year on the same land other plants
Which of the following cultivated plants is well suited to grazing?barley (Hordeum vulgare)
Maize (Zea mais), compared to other green plants, has its own characteristic, regardless the state of vegetation. What is this?digestibility very high and constant
. Which of the following types of fermentations has the greatest negative influence on the quality of the silages?butyric fermentation
Which of the following types of silages fermentations are produced by yeasts in an aerobic environment?alcoholic fermentation
What is the level of total (overall) losses when transforming green plants into hays?20% for dry matter and 25% for digestible organic matter
What is the reason why alfalfa hay is an ideal complement in rations for ruminants, of the silages, especially corn silage?balances the protein value of the rations and rumen fermentative processes
Straws are generally recognized for their high cellulose content and low protein content. By comparison, which have higher protein content (among the straws)?peas and beans straws toward wheat straw
Why the fodder beet is recommended to be administered cruel (non-boiled) in pig feeding?boiling causes poisoning by reducing the nitrates (which it contains) to nitrites
. Which of the following carbohydrates are found in the highest proportion in potatoes?starch
Cereal grains are deficient in essential (indispensable) amino acids. In which in particular?lysine and methionine
Maize (corn) has different types, depending on the color of the grains. Which of these contains a pigment called cryptoxanthin?yellow maize
Barley is a popular grain in the feeding of farm animals. For what species in particular?pigs
Which of the following cereals are used limited in the diets of ruminants, to avoid possible digestive disorders, because it forms a pasty mass in rumen?wheat
Triticale is a hybrid that comes from the crossing of two known cereals. Which are these?wheat and rye
Cereal’s processing through different methods (hot or cold) is practiced for increasing animal performances. In which species the processing of cereals has no notable advantages?sheep
Peas can be used virtually for all animal species, but restricted, containing several anti- nutritional factors. What is the level of incorporation in the concentrate mixtures?10-15% in young animals and 20-25% in adults’ animals
Untreated whole soybean may be used only in ruminants’ diets, with fully developed digestive tract. Why?because the anti-nutritional factors which it contains are partially inactivated in rumen
Soybean meal and sunflower meal are two important sources of protein for animals, but both are deficient in some essential amino acids. Which is the first limiting amino acid?methionine in soybean meal and lysine in sunflower meal
If the dry matter content and the fat content are higher, the energy value of whole milk is higher. The limits range from?500 kcal/kg for mare’s milk to 1600 kcal/kg for bitch milk
Fish meal has a great influence on the process of development of the youth animals. How can this be explained??contains a growth factor known as “animal protein factor” (APF)
Meat meal obtained from slaughter by-products of terrestrial animals is prohibited in European Union, as a source of protein for animals. What is the exception?meat meal derived from lean meat, as would be used for human consumption
To be included in compound feeds cereal grains must meet certain quality. What are the main ones?water content (13-14%) and the degree of fungal contamination
Why it is necessary to be included in compound feeds enzymes, as feed additive?because not all components of feeds are broken down by the enzymes of animal body
Generally speaking, adult ruminants can synthesize the amino acids they need. Exceptions are high-producing ruminants, such as dairy cows, to which it is necessary to supplement the rations with synthetic amino acids. Which are in order the main limiting amino acids for cows with high milk production?methionine followed by lysine
Prestarter compound feed, compared to other types of complete compound feeds, is characterized primarily by:very high nutrients content
Carbohydrates digestion in the rumen involves a whole series of reactions ending in a mixture of volatile fatty acids (VFA). When using ordinary rations to cattle, which of them holds the largest share in the total VFA?acetic acid
During the first part of lactation in cows (8-10 weeks after calving) they physiologically mobilize some of the body reserves. Why?cow’s ingestion capacity is less and not covers animal requirements
High yielding dairy cows require special conditions of feeding, due to more intense physiological processes. Which of the following is one of them?using the same feeds in the period preceding calving and after calving
After three weeks age calves must be fed with solid feeds, concentrates and hays traditionally. What is their administration mode?both ad libitum (how much they want to eat)
A basic principle of feeding suckling calves is to grow the amount of milk delivered until the age of three weeks. What is the maximum quantity?8 kg whole milk (or 1 kg of powder milk replacer)
Feeding dairy heifers must answer two main objectives: getting bigger weights and allow development of the mammary gland. How can both goals be achieved?by growth modulating from weaning to first calving
Calves "white meat" is obtained from a proper feeding mode. What is this?only with whole milk or milk replacers
In the case of milking ewes, energy and protein requirement to produce one kg of milk is different, in the sense that it increases as the lactation progresses. Why?because the composition of milk changes
In intensive system of growing lambs, to achieve high weight gains involves using of large quantities of concentrates in rations, but not excessive. What is the reason?decreases walls ruminal motility and internal organs are affected (kidneys for example)
Locomotion, movement involves increasing requirements of working horses. For which of the following nutrients the increase is most obvious?for energy
. From the age of one month it is recommends to use and dry feeds for youth horses, represented particularly by concentrates mixtures (compound feeds) and hays. Why concentrates are not used ad libitum (to appetite)?to avoid high growth rates and certain skeletal abnormalities
Pigs, depending on the category they belong to, have different feeding modalities. Which of the following categories applies restricted feeding?pregnant sows
. Pregnant sows may receive compound feeds (CoF) more diluted in terms of energy, toward 2800 kcal ME/kg CoF. What are the benefits?stimulates intestinal peristalsis and provides a better feeling of satiety
In the extensively systems, together with concentrates feeds, lactating sows receive in rations and volume feeds. What should be maximum share of volume feeds?one third of the rations structure
In the structure of compound feeds for monogastric animals (pigs, poultry...) what is the share of the vitamin-mineral premix?0.5-1%
Prestarter compound feed (CoF) for piglets is characterized by high levels of energy and protein parameters. Who are these?3300 kcal ME/kg CoF and 21-22% CP
Most often, in the industrial complexes of fattening pigs, compound feeds (CoF) are administered in dry form. However, they can be administered in moist (wetted) form. What are the benefits of the latter?specific consumption (kg CoF/kg weight gain) increases
Which of the following groups holds the highest share in the structure of compound feeds?energy concentrates (cereals)
Eggs for human consumption are produced by two types of hens: Leghorn type and Rhode Island type. What are the main differences between the two types?body weight and egg weight are smaller in Leghorn type
. In the structure of compound feeds for laying hens the share of minerals is higher. What is this?6-8%
To obtain "colored" skin of carcass in poultry, with shades of orange, are used some feeds, like corn gluten meal, alfalfa meal, vegetable extracts. How can this be explained?such sources contain xanthophylls
Chicken broiler and turkey broiler can be fed on four stages, with four types of compound feeds (CoF), prestarter, starter, grower și finisher. What is the main difference regarding the level of nutritional parameters of prestarter CoF?higher protein parameter (CP) for turkey broiler
Which of the following species of animals can be fed with rations composed exclusively by concentrates feeds?pigs and poultry
For laying hens compound feeds are administered ad libitum. However, what is the anticipated daily consumption?80-85 g for both types of laying hens
Meat is considered a basic food for dogs and especially for cats. However, meat cannot be introduced alone in diets. Why?determines appearance of diarrhea and decreased appetite
Legumes and fruits have a low degree of consumability in dogs and cats. However are included in their household rations. Why?to regulate and facilitate digestive transit
Why “gourmet canned food” is recommended as supplement for dogs and cats?being of very good quality, creates the risk that animals not consuming other foods
One specific issue in horses is the phenomenon of feeds stratification in the stomach. What does this fact imply?watering and administration of roughages to be carried out before administration of concentrates
Feeding level is a concept used to designate the amount of feeds consumed by animals. In what system is practiced low and discontinuous feeding level?in semi-intensive and extensive systems of fattening cattle