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125 questions
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Who are the archangels in Islam? | The archangels in Islam are Jibril, who gave Allah’s message to the prophets, Mika ’il, who assisted Muhammed in the night journey, Izra’il, the angle of death, and Israfil, the archangel who will sound the trumpet twice on the day of Judgment |
What do recording and guardian angels do? | Recording angles record mankind’s every deed for the Last Day, and Guardian angels protect faithful Muslims against Iblis |
What do recording and guardian angels do? | Recording angles record mankind’s every deed for the Last Day, and Guardian angels protect faithful Muslims against Iblis |
How were angles made? | According to the Qur’an, angels were Allah’s first creation. They are immortal and never disobey Allah, they are male with wings, but Muslim tradition teaches they are without sex and made from light, “Angles were created from light, jinns were created from a smokeless fire of flame |
How were angles made? | According to the Qur’an, angels were Allah’s first creation. They are immortal and never disobey Allah, they are male with wings, but Muslim tradition teaches they are without sex and made from light, “So they prostrated except Iblis. He was one of the jins; he disobeyed the Command of his Lord |
Why were angels created? | Allah created angles to communicate with humans because his transcendence means he cannot communicate directly with humans, but his mercy and compassion deter him from abandoning humanity |
What are the Holy Books? | The Holy books are Torah, the Zabur, Injil, or Psalms however all books were distorted by humans |
What are the Holy Books? | The Holy books are Torah, the Zabur, Injil, or Psalms however all books were distorted by humans |
Why are Holy Books important? | Holy Books are important because Allah created them when he asked humans to be Khalifa’s but overtime his instructions were distorted, which made his word necessary |
How did Allah tell Muhammed to repeat the words of Jibril? | Allah told Muhammed to repeat the words of Jibril when he said, “Proclaim the name of thy Lord and the Cherisher who created man out of a clot of congealed blood.” |
When was Allah’s word needed? | Allah created humans to be vice-regrants aka. Khalifa’s, however, over time these instructions were distorted making Allah’s word was needed |
Who are the prophets? | The prophets include Adam the first man and prophet, Ibrahim, the prophet Abraham who was also connected to the Hajj, Musa, the prophet of Moses who Allah revealed the Torah to, Isa the prophet Jesus, who Allah revealed Injil to, and Muhammed the final prophet of Islam who Allah revealed the Quran to being the complete message to humanity |
Where in the Quran did Allah tell Muhammed to repeat the words of Jibril? | Allah told Muhammed to repeat the words of Jibril in the Quran where it says, “Proclaim the name of thy Lord and the Cherisher who created man out of a clot of congealed blood.” |
Why did Allah enforce prophets? | Allah enforced prophets so that they bring God’s message to the people for them to learn how to behave, “An apostle is sent to each community, When their apostle comes, justice is done among them; they are wronged,” |
Why are Holy Books important? | Holy Books are important because Allah needed to enforce his word after he asked humans to be vice-regrants/Khalifa’s and overtime his instructions were distorted |
Who are the Prophets? | The Prophets include Adam the first man, Ibrahim (Abraham), the first prophet who was connected to the Hajj, Musa, the prophet of Moses who Allah revealed the Torah to, Isa the prophet Jesus, who Allah revealed Injil to, and Muhammed the final prophet who Allah revealed the Qur’an to as the complete message to humanity |
What does Muslims believe happens on Yawm al-Qiyyamah? | Muslims believe that Yawm al-Qiyyamah/Judgment Day is announced by the sounding of a trumpet, after which everything will stop, and the raised dead will join the living, and the world as we know it will disappear |
Why did Allah enforce prophets? | Allah enforced prophets so that they bring God’s message to the people for them to learn how to behave, “An apostle is sent to each community, When their apostle comes, justice is done among them; they are wronged,” |
What does the resurrection of the dead mean? | The resurrection of the dead means when a person dies their soul waits in the grave until the Last Day when the soul and body will be re-joined and raised so a person comes out of their grave |
Why should prophets be blessed when their names are mentioned? | Prophets’ names should be blessed when their names are mentioned through the phrase PBUH – peace be upon him because Muslims believe prophets were sinless once they were called by Allah |
What quote infers Muslims will be judged? | Muslims will be judged on Judgment Day, “Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits of your toil, but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere”, |
What happens on judgment day? | On judgment day the world as we know it will disappear, the Last Day will be announced by the sounding of a trumpet. Heaven and earth will change, and the raised dead will join the living, while no one knows when the Last Day will happen except Allah. |
What is the supremacy of God’s will? | The supremacy of God’s will is the belief that Allah created a plan for his universe, which he has the omnipotence to execute and the omniscience to know what will happen, “In all things the master-planning is Gods”. |
What does the resurrection of the dead mean? | The resurrection of the dead means when a person dies their soul waits in the grave until the Last Day when the soul and body will be re-joined and raised so a person comes out of their grave |
What quote infers Muslims will be judged? | Muslims will be judged as the Quran says, “Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goofs or live or the fruits of your toil, but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere”, |
What is the supremacy of God’s will? | The supremacy of God’s will is the belief that Allah created a plan for his universe, which he has the omnipotence to execute and the Sifat (foreknowledge) to know what will happen, “In all things the master-planning is Gods”. |
Why may people not understand God’s plan? | Some people may not understand God’s plan because we are far from being like Allah and incapable of knowing the mysteries of life |
What is Tawhid? | One of the most important beliefs for both Sunni and Shi’a Muslims is Tawhid, the belief that there is only one God in Islam, “He is God the one, God the eternal. He begot no one nor was He begotten. No one is comparable to him.” |
What does predestination mean? | Predestinations means that everything in the universe is following Allah’s plan, the conclusion of Tawhid |
What quote expresses the idea of Tawhid? | The idea of Tawhid is expressed through the verse, “He is Allah, the One, Allah is Eternal and Absolute. None is born of Him, He is unborn. There is none like unto him” |
What do Shi'a Muslims belive about the justice of Allah | Shi'a Muslims believe Allah is ‘Just’ and ‘Wise’ therefore he can not do wrong and though there is bad in the world, Allah commands them to do good, “indeed Allah commands you towards Justice.” |
Why could Muslims still do bad? | Muslims believe Allah has the Sifat (foreknowledge) to know what people will do, though they do it out of their own free will, so he cannot stop them from doing bad |
What do Shi’a Muslims believe about imamate? | Shi’a Muslims believe that Prophets Muhammed said 12 imamates from his tribe would succeed him as leaders, they believe the first 11 led the community but the 12th disappear and is alive, hiding, and will appear at the end of time |
What is Tawhid? | One of the most important beliefs for both Sunni and Shi’a Muslims is Tawhid, the belief that there is only one God in Islam, “He is God the one, God the eternal. He begot no one nor was He begotten. No one is comparable to him.” |
What do Shi'a Muslims believe happens on Al-Ma’ad (Resurrection Day)? | Muslims believe that on Al-Ma’ad people who have lived good lives will receive a record of their life in their right hand, as a token of their faith, and then be sent to Jannah |
What does Tawhid form? | Tawhid forms the central part of the Shahadah: the declaration of faith: “I bear witness that there is no god, but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God |
What does ‘Shirk’ refer to? | ‘Shirk’ means ‘association’ referring to anything being associated with Allah, to do so is considered the greatest sin |
What other qualities does Allah have? | Allah is transcendent meaning he is beyond time, space, and all human understanding, he is the pre-existent creator |
What do Shi’a Muslims believe about imamate? | Shi’a Muslims believe that Prophets Muhammed said 12 imamates from his tribe would succeed him as leaders, they believe the first 11 led the community but the 12th disappear and is alive, hiding, and will appear at the end of time |
Adalat – Justice of Allah | Shia Muslims believe Allah is ‘Just’ and ‘Wise’ therefore he can not do wrong and though there is bad in the world, Allah commands them to do good, “indeed Allah commands you towards Justice." |
What did Prophets act as? | Prophets acted as messengers to guide people to the right path and Prophet Muhammed was the last messenger, the right path refers to a peaceful life with total submission to Allah |
What do Muslims believe happens on Yawm al-Qiyyamah? | Muslims believe that on Yawm al-Qiyyamah)/Judgment Day all Muslims and non-Muslims are physically resurrected and then asked to account for the words and actions of their lives on Earth |
Why does Islam claim there is only one God? | Islam is a monotheistic religion; Muslims believe in one and only one God. |
Why do Muslims believe Tawhid is important? | Muslims believe Tawhid is important because it’s the central foundation for the Islamic statement of faith, the Shahadah. Which reads: “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is the prophet of Allah”, this is said repeatedly throughout a Muslims life. It is often the first phrase a Muslim hears at birth and the last phrase they hear before death and is repeated every day in Muslim prayers. |
What does Tawhid mean? | Tawhid means that God is not divided and entirely one. This belief is expresses in the Qur’an: “He is Allah the One, Allah the eternal. He begot no one, nor was He begotten. No one is comparable to Him.” This verse explains that got did not have any parents, he was not “begotten”, nor did he have any children “he begot no one”. |
How does God being one explain why there are no depictions of him in Islam? | Regularly affirming that there is one God means that Muslims believe God is unique, no depiction of him could do justice, and therefore there are no depictions of God in the Islam. Both the Qur’an and the Mosque, have no depictions of Allah. |
What do Muslims believe, due to the belief of God being supreme | Out of the belief that God is incomparable, is the belief that God is supreme. The supremacy of Gods will causes Muslims to believe events will only prevail under Gods command. , what God predicts will happen. So because God is supreme Muslims all events only prevail with his will, all events, good and bad, are from the will of God. Most Muslims believe God is supreme because in order for him to be omnipotent he has to be in control of everything. |
How Muslims use to explain things they may not understand? | Muslims use the belief of Allah’s will to explain events they otherwise wouldn’t understand such as suffering and evil. As ‘Islam’ means ‘surrender’ and ‘peace’, Muslims believe they must surrender to the will of Allah to achieve peace. Therefore it is Allahs will that is why unfortunate events happen. |
How do Muslims actively show their belief of Allah being one? | Muslims actively show their belief of Allah being one, by not putting other things such as family, money, status or power, ahead of following and submitting to Allah. |
What does ‘Inshallah’ mean? | When agreeing to do something in the future, many Muslims use the phrase “Inshallah”, meaning “if God wills it. This demonstrates, even though we may make plans for our future, ultimately God plans that path. If our plans do not align with Gods, then our plans will not occur. |
Gao do Muslims believe they can avoid misfortune? | Muslims believe they can avoid misfortune by submitting to Allahs will. Muslims believe God is supreme so bad things that happen are bigger than oneself and if and have positive motives because God predicts all events. Therefore as long as Muslims are submitted to Allah’s will. “Misfortunes can only happen with God’s permission” |
What does ‘idolatry’ mean? | Putting anything before following and submitting to Allah would be idolatry, (worshipping things other than God) |
What does Islam mean in Arabic? | In Arabic ‘Islam’ means ‘surrender’ and ‘peace’, therefore Muslims believe they must surrender to Allah’s will to achieve peace within themselves. |
What statement is repeated in the Shahadah? | The statement that is repeated daily in the Shahadah is, “There is no God but Allah and Muhammed his prophet.” |
Why is worshipping idols forbidden in Islam? | Muslims believe they need to show their belief in there being one God, so they believe only one God should be worshipped. This is why Muhammed and the Qur’an are not worshiped; worshiping idols is haram in Islam because Muslims must never make anything more important than Allah |
Describe the qualities of God described in Surah 112 | In Surah 112, God is described as ‘eternal and the One’, reflecting his immortal and omnipotent qualities, his qualities of omnipotence are then reinforced where it states he has no children and was nor parents, and is therefore incomparable |
Why might a Muslim say the words ‘God willing’ when talking about their future plans? | A Muslim may say ‘Inshallah’ (God willing) when talking about future plans because they believe no good or bad act can come se without the will of Allah. The Qur’an quote, “Misfortunes can only happen with God’s permission” suggests when Muslims face hardships and find their suffering is undeserved they can be aware that bad things will never happen without God’s greater intention. |
How can God be immanent and transcendent? | Muslims believe Allah is both immanent and transcendent as he is the Creator of the universe and therefore outside of and not limited by the physical world, yet he also lives in all humans and exists in all of creation, and is therefore within all things. |
How do Gods qualities make him one? | God ‘s qualtkies make him one as his omnipotence and omniscient are incomparable. As the Qur’an highlights Allahs features, “There is no God but him, the Creator of all things, so worship Him; He is in charge of everything. He is the All Subtle, the All-Aware”, only Allah has the omnipotence to create the world and only Allah has the omniscience to have complete awareness over it; he is incomparable. |
Why do Muslims say ‘Bismillah’? | The phrase ‘Bismillah’ translates to, “In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy”, which Muslims say to dedicate everything they do to God. Muslims dedicate everything to God because they believe he is merciful due to him understanding their suffering, caring for them, and forgiving them. |
Why do Muslims believe God is benevolent? | Muslims believe God is benevolent because he is the source of all goodness reflected through his generosity of the gift of human life. |
How does God act justly? | God’s perfection means he never acts unjust to his creations, he treats people equally and requires them to do the same. God will hold people accountable for not acting justly towards others on Yawm ad-Din as they are fully responsible for their actions. |
What do Muslims believe about angels? | Muslims believe angels were created by Allah, that they have two, three, or four pairs of wings, and Muslims believe Angles are messengers, “Praise be to God, creator of the heavens and earth who made angles messengers with two, three, four (pairs of) wings” |
How do angles ensure if people do good or bad? | Muslims believe angles ensure if people do good or bad as Allah has commanded them to act as guardians, and Muslims also believe all people have guardian angels, “Each person has angles before him and behind, watching over him by God’s command”. |
What reflect angles obedience? | Muslims believe Angles cannot disobey God, as Muslims also believe they are committed to Allah’s commandments, “They disobeyed not, the Commands they receive from God, but do that which they are commanded.” |
How do angles express their passion for God? | Muslims believe Angles express their passion for God through constant worship, a passion which Muslims believe they never get tired of, “They exalt Allah night and day and never become tired”. |
What does Mika’il do? | Mika ‘il’s rewards righteous people for their good behaviour, sends thunder and lightning as a God-given responsibility and guards places of worship |
From a story in the Qur'an, what do Muslims believe Mika'il brings? | Muslims believe Mika’il brings nourishment to human beings and the earth from rain, known as the giver of rain, he provides water for the land, to provide food. |
Why do Muslims believe Mika’il is Important? | Muslims believe Mika’il is important because he emulates God’s riqz, which encompasses wealth, family ties, intellect and health, and all other things that are beneficial and can help Muslims carry out their duties, such as his nourishment of human life and earth through the rain. |
Where does the Qur'an mention Mika'il? | The Quran mentions Mika’il when it warns anyone who is an enemy of Mika’il and Jibril, is also an enemy of God’s, “If someone is an enemy to Allah, his angles, and to Jibril and Mika’il, then Allah is enemy to the disbelievers.” . |
Who is Jibril? | Jibril is the archangel who revealed the Quran to Muhammed, who has a higher status as of being a trusted messenger of God. |
When do Muslims believe Jibril first appeared? | Muslims believe Jibril first appeared to Muhammed when he was a child. When Jibril and Mika’ il came to Muhammed they purified his heart so he could receive God’s revelation later in life. So when Muhammed was 40, Jibril returned to him, told him what God wanted him to do, and inspired him with the revelations of the Qur’an. Muslims believe God continued to guide Muhammed throughout his life, using Jibril as a communicator |
Why do Muslims believe Jibril is important? | Muslims believe Jibril is important because he allowed God to communicate with Muhammed, who God chose as the final messenger of his word and who many Muslims strive to be like. |
Where does the Qur'an mention Jibirl? | The Quran mentions Jibril where it states Jibril’s revelation can strengthen Muslim’s faith, “Say the Holy Spirit (Jibril) has brought the revelation from your Lord in truth, in order to strengthen those who believe.” |
What is israfil’s purpose? | The angel Israfil’s purpose is the announce the Day of Resurrection with the sounding of a trumpet on God’s orders |
Why do Sunni Muslims believe humans have free will despite predestination? | Sunni Muslims believe humans have free will as they have the ability to choose to do right or wrong. |
What is predestination? | Predestination is the idea that God knows or determines everything that will happen in the Universe. |
How can Sunni Muslims have free will if God has decided their destiny? | Sunni Muslims, believe they have free will despite God having already decided their destiny because although Muslims themselves don’t have the ability to change Allah’s plan, they do have the ability to act morally good so they are rewarded in the afterlife, rather than being punished. |
Which article of faith is predestination linked to? | Predestination is linked to the Supremacy of God’s will, and Judgment Day, “whoever disobeys Allah and His Prophet has indeed strayed into a clearly wrong path” |
What quote infers Muslims have the ability to choose good over evil? | The quote from the Quran “When we freely chose evil over good… we reject good”, infers through the adjective “chose”, Muslims have full responsibility for their good or bad choices, so they do have free will even though their destiny is decided |
Why is Al Qadr important for Muslims? | Al Qadr is important for Muslims because life is a test, in which God judges all humans on their actions, which free will makes them responsible for, so God can punish or reward them |
When do some Muslims believe God changes people’s densities? | Some Muslims believe God only changes people destinies if they chose to act immorally |
What is a quote that infers Allah judges everyone when they die? | A quote that infers Allah judges everyone when they die is, “Every man’s fate we have fastened on his own neck on the Day of Judgement we shall bring out for him a scroll, which we will see spread open.” |
What proves God changes people’s destinies if they act immorally? | The quote, “God does not change the condition of people (for the worse) unless they change what is in themselves”, infers Muslims do have free will, as committing poor acts will result in a due penalty they wouldn’t otherwise receive |
Why do Sunni Muslims believe humans have free will despite predestination? | Sunni Muslims believe humans have free will as they have the ability to choose to do right or wrong. |
How can Sunni Muslims have free will if God has decided their destiny? | Sunni Muslims, believe they have free will despite God having already decided their destiny because although Muslims themselves don’t have the ability to change Allah’s plan, they do have the ability to act morally good so they are rewarded in the afterlife, rather than being punished. |
How does God change punishing destinies for rewarding destinies? | As God changes people’s destinies if they act immorally, if they chose to then act faithful, their destiny will be changed from a punishing destiny to a rewarding destiny. Therefore Muslims have the ability to choose to be righteous and meet with a rewarding destiny rather than a punishing one. |
What quote infers Muslims have the ability to choose good over evil? | The quote from the Quran “When we freely chose evil over good… we reject good”, infers through the adjective “chose”, Muslims have full responsibility for their good or bad choices, so they do have free will even though their destiny is decided |
Why do Shi’a Muslims believe predestination means humans don’t have free will? | Shi’a Muslims believe predestination means humans don’t have free will because God’s creation of mankind influences Muslims to act according to his will. |
When do some Muslims believe God changes people’s densities? | Some Muslims believe God only changes people destinies if they chose to act immorally. The quote, “God does not change the condition of people (for the worse) unless they change what is in themselves”, infers Muslims do have free will, as committing poor acts will result in a due penalty they wouldn’t otherwise receive |
How does God’s creation of man make Shi’a Muslims oblige to God’s will? | God’s creation of man means God knows humans better than they know themselves. The quote from the Quran, “We create man, we are closer to him than his jugular vein” infers Allah literally knows humans better than their own anatomy, so he knows what is best for them; following his plan and acting morally correct in Islam. As they trust God knows what is best for them, Shi’a Muslims would act morally correct and follow Allah’s plan removing the possibility of acting otherwise and therefore their free will |
How does God ensure a rewarding destiny? | As God ensures those who act immorally will have a punishing destiny, he also ensure those who act moral will have a rewarding destiny. Therefore Muslims have the ability to choose to be righteous and meet with a rewarding destiny rather than a punishing one. |
What proves God changes people’s destinies if they act immorally? | The quote, “God does not change the condition of people (for the worse) unless they change what is in themselves”, infers Muslims do have free will, as committing poor acts will result in a due penalty they wouldn’t otherwise receive |
Why do Shi’a Muslims believe predestination means humans don’t have free will? | Shi’a Muslims believe predestination means humans don’t have free will because God’s creation of mankind influences Muslims to act according to his will. God’s creation of mankind means God knows humans better than they know themselves, the quote from the Quran, “We create man, we are closer to him than his jugular vein” infers Allah literally knows humans better than their own anatomy, so he knows what is best for them - following his plan and acting morally correct in Islam. And as they trust God knows what is best for them, Shi’a Muslims would act morally correct and follow Allah’s plan which removes the possibility of acting otherwise and therefore their free will |
How does God’s creation of man make Shi’a Muslims oblige to God’s will? | God’s creation of man means God knows humans better than they know themselves. The quote from the Quran, “We create man, we are closer to him than his jugular vein” infers Allah literally knows humans better than their own anatomy, so he knows what is best for them; following his plan and acting morally correct in Islam. As they trust God knows what is best for them, Shi’a Muslims would act morally correct and follow Allah’s plan removing the possibility of acting otherwise and therefore their free will |
What does the Jannah teach Muslims God believes? | Jahannam teaches Muslims God believes sinners need to be punished, as the Quran states if sinners try to leave hell because they are in pain, they will be intentionally forced back into further suffering, “whenever they try to escape, they will be pushed back in and told, ‘Taste the suffering of the fire.” |
Why do many Muslims believe hell is not a literal place? | Many Muslims believe hell is not a literal place as the Quran uses extreme and unrealistic conditions, “Garments of fire will be tailored for those who disbelieve; scalding water will be poured over their heads, melting their insides as well as their skins…” Muslims who believe the punishments in hell may be metaphors would state that the metaphors pain and torture, are used to install fear of Jahannam in Muslims. |
What does the Quran’s description of Jannah influence men to do? | The Quran’s description of Jannah influences men to do good in order to be sent to heaven. Islam teaches men should contain themselves and act sexually moral in their life, so the quote, "and beautiful-eyed maidens like hidden pearls’ a reward for what they used to do” suggests heaven is a place where men have permission to fulfil sexual relations with women, which would encourage them to do good to be set free from constraints during human life. |
How do Muslims believe they can be accepted into Jannah? | Muslims believe they can be accepted into heaven by maintaining a family. The quote, “Allah’s mercy will not descend on people among whom there is one who severs ties of kinship”, shows maintaining kinship is vital for living a life Allah is merciful of. Allah’s mercy is gained through adopting Islamic values that families literally require, such as kindness, mercy, and compassion, therefore by maintaining families, Muslims gain Allah’s mercy and therefore acceptance into Jannah. |
What do Muslims believe Jannah is like physically? | Physically, Muslims believe Jannah is a ‘gardens of happiness’ where faith and good deeds are rewarded, “on couches of well-woven cloth…any fruit they choose; the meat of any bird they like; and beautiful-eyed maidens like hidden pearls’ a reward for what they used to do”. |